😍💕❤️How I met my husband❤️💕😍
💝Our love story told with Disney flair
🏰Once upon a time, there was a princess named Yenna who was attending her friend, Princess Stracko's, wedding. She befriended some of Stracko's trusted comrades and made plans to travel with them via the magical Metro North to the event. At the chosen meeting place, the group of travelers who had arrived on time had purchased tickets together. Shortly after said purchase, a late straggler arrived: Prince Yiyan. He was introduced to Yenna who later confided to a fellow maiden, "I'm on it."
🥂🍾After a delightful few hours of travel and group conversation, the most loyal friends of Stracko arrived. The wedding was beautiful and tears were shed. The cocktail hour provided a plethora of delicious non-vegan delights which Yenna kept instructing Yiyan to "put in his mouth."
💃🕺The two were flirtatious both in conversation and on the dance floor. When it came time for the royal flower toss, Princess Yenna caught the bouquet with grace and ease. Yiyan fought like a stealthy wolf for the garter. That's right, the Princess caught the bouquet and the Prince caught the garter. It was clearly meant to be.
👫This was the beginning of the tale of Prince Yiyan and Princess Yenna, a majestical duo who were destined to live happily ever after.
I am a lucky, lucky woman. I love you so much, Ryan Cavanaugh.